Thursday, March 26, 2020

How Much Does Math Tutoring Cost?

How Much Does Math Tutoring Cost?When you go to a computer and the teacher instructs you to 'tutor yourself,' it can be difficult to understand what math tutoring costs. Many of the online colleges and universities charge for individual math tutoring, while other schools charge a tuition or per-session fee. No matter what you are charged for your math tutoring session, it is important to keep in mind that math tutoring costs more than it should. This article will offer you the answers you need to understand how much does math tutoring cost.First, it is important to know how often tutoring sessions are offered. Most schools offer three to five sessions for students interested in taking online math courses. For students who do not take math classes, one to two sessions a week will help them progress to the next level. Most schools offer one to two sessions a week, while some offer more. It all depends on the school's current student body, as each school has a different timetable for th eir mathematics course offerings.Another question to ask about online math tutoring is how many times students have the opportunity to take a math class before they have to enroll in a class full of online math courses. At most schools, students take their online math courses every single day of the week, and this is the only way that they can see and interact with the instructors during the day. If you do not take online math courses, then you have the opportunity to attend a class every week or every other week, during the day. In addition, you can interact with the instructors during class, with questions being answered or feedback given on a weekly basis.Last, you should ask how many students take math courses at any given time. Most schools will have a maximum of three students that take one course each. Some schools allow less, but make sure to ask before deciding to enroll in the program.As you can see, there are many ways to answer the question of how much does math tutoring cost. As long as you have your math coursework completed by a certified math tutor, your tutor will be able to calculate the fees based on the schedule, lessons you will take, and the amount of tutoring you will have available.However, a lot of the time, the amount of how much does math tutoring cost is completely based on the student's ability to pay. Some students need the tutoring because they are in need of help with the math that they have taken in high school. For these students, the cost of the tutoring is negligible compared to the financial aid that they will receive from their state.Math is a subject that are fun and rewarding, and you have many choices when it comes to where you want to go to study math. Be sure to ask how much does math tutoring cost before deciding on a certain school or online institution. Make sure that the tutor you choose will also take care of your math needs so that you are free to get back to your studies and to other life concerns.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How Do Singing Styles Differ By Genre

How Do Singing Styles Differ By Genre Suzy S. How do vocal techniques change as you sing different styles and genres? Check out the video below as Brighton, MA vocal teacher Jacquelynn W. explains why its important to understand the style differences between genres, such as vibrato technique, use of chest voice and head voice, and diction. Want more? Check out our comprehensive guide to different singing genres and styles!   Jacquelynn W. teaches singing, Broadway singing, flute, music theory, opera voice, songwriting, speaking voice and acting lessons to students in Brighton, MA. She received her Bachelors degree in Vocal Performance from Berklee College of Music, and joined the TakeLessons team in October 2012. Find out more about Jacquelynn, or find a teacher near you! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Why you shouldnt take test prep advice from Homer Simpson

Why you shouldnt take test prep advice from Homer Simpson Homer Simpson provides test prep advice you should not follow!Depending on how familiar you are with the Simpsons oeuvre, you might remember an episode where Mr. Burns decides that he needs a male heir in order to pass on his fortune.  Naturally, Homer encourages Bart to audition for the part of Burns’ heir.  Bart, relying on Homer’s inept guidance, bungles the audition and misses out on the chance to inherit the fortune.  As the Simpson family walks out afterwards, Homer passes on some fatherly advice: “Kids, you tried your best, and you failed miserably.  The lesson is, never try.”Of course, no one is looking to Homer Simpson for test prep advice.  But the reality is that many students fall into the “Homer mindset”: I really tried my best on that homework/practice test/actual test and didn’t do well, so game over.  I’m never going to do better on the SAT!Where does failure occur during the process of test preparation?  It can happen during a tutoring session no matter how the tutor tries to explain that tricky algebra concept, the student just doesn’t get it.  It can happen on a homework assignment the student understood the reading comprehension strategy during the tutoring session, but can’t focus and complete the reading section at home.  It can happen on a practice test time runs out and the student only got through half of the math section.And of course, failure can happen on the big kahuna the actual test.  Anxiety got the best of her; he forgot how subject-verb agreement works; her calculator batteries died during the math section.  You try your best and just don’t get the score you want.So what do you do when you’re confronted with failure during test prep?  You see failure correctly for what it is: a learning opportunity.Many students are practically allergic to making mistakes in front of their tutors, preferring instead to maintain the illusion of perfection.  This attitude is typical of the “fixed mindset ”.  Carol Dweck, the pioneer of mindset thinking, defines the fixed mindset as one in which “students believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are just fixed traits.  They have a certain amount and that’s that, and then their goal becomes to look smart all the time and never look dumb.”Here at AJ Tutoring, we do everything in our power to break down the fixed mindset in our students.  The fixed mindset is the enemy of true learning and improvement on the SAT or ACT.  The fixed mindset denies students the chance to take risks, learn from mistakes, and experience the satisfaction that comes from working hard and mastering a skill.  In the end, you will only improve your SAT score if you’re willing to get questions wrong and then figure out how to get them right.Theorizing about failure in a blog post is one thing, but what do we tell our students when they fail?  How do we reconceptualize failure so our students can see it as a good thing?  Le t’s revisit the “failure points” during test preparation.Failure to understand a concept during the tutoring session.When a student has a hard time understanding a concept during a tutoring session, it usually comes down to one of two things: either they’re weak on fundamentals, or they’re terrified of “looking dumb” in front of their tutor.  If the student is weak on fundamentals ( for example, they can’t solve a system of equations because they don’t know how to solve one equation for one variable), the tutor can usually diagnose this issue quickly.  The sooner a student “fails” on a problem, the easier it is for their tutor to figure out the true issue and backtrack to the more elementary concept.  And if the student doesn’t want to miss a problem and look dumb, this too is helpful information.  It tells the tutor something about the student’s mindset towards failure and allows the tutor to take appropriate steps to change that mindset.This could lea d to your greatest success.Failure on a homework assignment.Sometimes a student understands a concept during the tutoring lesson, but can’t execute on the homework assignment.  Failure on a homework assignment tells us something important too either the student didn’t understand the concept as well as we thought they did (in which case, time to review), the student rushed through the assignment, or the student didn’t apply the correct strategies on the assignment.  In all of these cases, failure tells us more about the student’s approach to SAT prep when he’s on his own.   All of these problems are correctable given enough time.Failure on a practice test.Students (and parents) often expect great improvement on practice tests.  Sometimes students get a solid score improvement on a practice test, and sometimes they don’t.  As part of AJ Tutoring’s SAT and ACT prep process, we ask students to take at least 3 practice tests, and then we review those results with stude nts in their next tutoring session.  Reviewing practice tests with students is instructive it allows us to see exactly what happened if a student “failed”.  I had a frustrating situation with an ACT student last year whose practice test scores kept going down, even though he was doing great in our sessions.  After the third declining practice test score, he and I sat down for a serious discussion.  It turned out that the student was staying up late and then had a hectic morning of driving his siblings around before coming to our office for his test.  By having that discussion during his prep, we made sure that he didn’t repeat the same pattern on test day.  Sure enough, he got sleep the night before the actual test, and his ACT score went up by 5 points!Failure on the actual test.This is the scenario that strikes fear into the hearts of students and parents everywhere.  How is it possible to turn a test day failure into a net positive?  For starters, almost all studen ts take the SAT and ACT more than once.  It’s rare that students get the score they’re looking for on the first try.  Every time you take the test, even if you don’t achieve your goal score, you get a little more test-taking experience and you learn more about how you operate on test day.  And once you get your scores back, you know which sections and concepts you need to review for future tests.Do you see the common thread here?  Failure gives us more information.  Rather than seeing failure as a reflection of your intelligence, try to see failure as a diagnostic tool that helps you do better on the next homework assignment or test.Paul Tough’s book How Children Succeed is a worthwhile read on the factors that influence success in school.  Chapter 3 looks at the unorthodox teaching methods of a middle school chess teacher in Brooklyn, Elizabeth Spiegel, who is able to lead her team to unexpected success.  Spiegel’s teaching method is so unusual because she focuses on her students’ failures, analyzing wrong moves and bad games with the class until they deeply understand the right moves.Spiegel tries to lead her students down a narrow and difficult path: to have them take responsibility for their mistakes and learn from them without obsessing over them or beating themselves up for them. How Children SucceedWhen interviewed for the book, Spiegel noted, “It’s uncomfortable to focus so intensely on what you’re bad atIf you really want to get better at chess, you have to look at your games and figure out what you’re doing wrong.”The same thing is true in test prep if you really want a higher score on the SAT or ACT, you have to confront your failures head-on and figure out what you’re doing wrong.  For the student who is brave enough to do this, the rewards are many a higher test score, yes, but also the confidence to take risks, to sometimes fail, and to learn from that failure and do better the next time.[Note: Many adults have a hard time with failure, let alone high school students.  Failing well is a learned skill!  Our SAT and ACT tutors are happy to help guide your student toward testing success.  Please reach out to us for more information!]

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Deal With - Phrasal Verb of the Day

Deal With - Phrasal Verb of the Day Todays phrasal verb of the day is: Deal WithInfinitive form: Deal WithPresent Tense: Deal With/ Deals Withing form: Dealing WithPast tense: Dealt WithPast Participle: Dealt WithDeal With is an inseparable English phrasal verb. It can be used in two different ways:When you do everything you must do to solve a problem or complete.1. Now that Danas sister is here to help with the children, shes got one less problem to deal with.2. The detective confirmed that the kids vandalized the school. Now he has to deal with telling their parents.When it is about a certain subject of an article, book, curriculum, speech, film, etc.1. TED talks are supposed to deal with Technology, Entertainment and Design.2. Fast Furious 6 deals with a cop getting help from criminals to catch a global criminal.Exercises: Write your answers in comments and we will correct them.Fill in the gaps from the video above:Wow! You just had to open your mouth. Now, we got a big-ass plane to ____ ___.Can you recall a tough situation in the past? How did you deal with it?Complete the sentences below with the correct form of Deal With.1. Terry is strong enough to ____ ___ the problem on his own.2. Titanic _____ ____ a man who happens to be in the right place at the right time  to prevent a woman from jumping off a, ship and falls in love with her.3.  You know, I read an article the other day that ____ ___ drunk driving. I cant ______ ____ this right now, though. I have enough problems already!4. The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom _____ ____ surprising yet interesting theories about the afterlife.5.  After lunch, the police will ______ _____ the criminals who set Mrs. Doublets house on fire.Change the example sentences above to negative sentences (or positive, if the sentence is already negative). Then change them to questions.

Several Tips for the Positive Start of the New Study Year

Several Tips for the Positive Start of the New Study Year The beginning of the school year is always rather stressful for students after having good time and relaxation during summer time. At the same time, the new study year provides good chance to review the attitude to the study process and the relations with classmates; and to take some actions to win recognition of your virtues both by peers and by school teachers. The status you manage to obtain during school and college years creates the basis for the further success in university and career, so do not waste this favorable time. Be active and show your worth. Do not allow others to manipulate yourself. Teach yourself to reject attempts to make you do somebody elses work. Be confident reciting the lessons and persist in your opinion. Value the results of your work. Dismiss with a joke or say strong “No!” to the annoying idlers who are asking to crib your assignment or test. Your diligence should work for your own benefit. Be brave and self-confident. Get rid of old inferiority complex. Stop hiding your right and interesting thoughts from others. Do not be afraid to hold up your hand and to give a certain answer to a tutor’s question. Take over the control of your life and your decisions. Make a list of goals for the next academic year and develop a strategy on attaining them. Select the most interesting subjects and the major subjects needed for your future speciality. Whatever it be math, chemistry, physics or computer turn particular attention to that subjects. Find a private tutor to help you to become an expert in that most important disciplines. Aim at all-round development of yourself. Experiment with hobbies and learn something new. Take music, dancing, vocal or art classes at some art school or with an individual tutor. New skills not only develop your natural abilities, they also attract the interest of other people and make them respect your advanced personality. Be independent of other peoples opinion. The sudden changes in your way of life may draw attention of some envious mates and may give food for gossip. If you notice this this is a sign of your success, you have attracted the interest. Those, who gossip of you, are dreaming to become like you but they can’t. No matter what they say, you can just smile! And, last but not least  remember that going back to school does not only mean return to hard study. It also means meeting with old friends. Each new school year promises not only new study tasks and challenges but also new amazing acquaintances and who knows, maybe even love! If you need a tutoring assistance for you of your child visit Our tutoring service is designed to  help students to find best personal tutors in any subject: math,  algebra, calculus, science,  physics, chemistry, biology,  English, Spanish, French, computer, music, dance, voice, arts  and many others.

The 2015 New Years Language Challenge is Coming! Help Spread the Word!

The 2015 New Years Language Challenge is Coming! Help Spread the Word! Help us announce the biggest language challenge ever! The italki 2015 New Years Language Challenge is coming and we want you to help spread the word! Were creating a Thunderclap, and wed like your help. Even if youre not planning on taking the New Years Language Challenge, you can still join the  Thunderclap to help spread the word to others who want to kick off 2015 and really commit to learning a new language! What is a Thunderclap? Its a new, powerful tool that allows people to Tweet or Facebook an announcement all together on the same day, at the exact same time to be heard loud and clear! Were working with Thunderclap to make this biggest, most exciting Language Challenge ever! Get ready! Help Spread the Word and Join this Thunderclap! The 2015 New Years Language Challenge is Coming! Help Spread the Word! Help us announce the biggest language challenge ever! The italki 2015 New Years Language Challenge is coming and we want you to help spread the word! Were creating a Thunderclap, and wed like your help. Even if youre not planning on taking the New Years Language Challenge, you can still join the  Thunderclap to help spread the word to others who want to kick off 2015 and really commit to learning a new language! What is a Thunderclap? Its a new, powerful tool that allows people to Tweet or Facebook an announcement all together on the same day, at the exact same time to be heard loud and clear! Were working with Thunderclap to make this biggest, most exciting Language Challenge ever! Get ready! Help Spread the Word and Join this Thunderclap!

Irvine English Tutor Annotation A step-by-step guide

Irvine English Tutor Annotation A step-by-step guide Irvine English Tutor Tips: A step-by-step guide to Annotation Annotation is such an important part of a student’s set of study skills. It seems like it takes up a lot of time, but it’s essential in order to conquer confusing topics and difficult to read novels. Annotation isn’t needed for each and every passage a student reads, but it can help them in lots of situations. Many English teachers will teach students how to annotate as part of a practice assignment but, students can use this skill across several subjects. In some cases, students may not be taught specifically how to annotate in which case they can use this step-by-step guide to help them get started, get organized, and be able to recall important information whenever they need it if youre struggling with how to annotate your papers, just ask your private Irvine English tutor from TutorNerds. 1. Get the materials To annotate students effectively will need to have two or three different colored highlighters and a pencil or pen. Neat handwriting is important here so make sure to sharpen that pencil or get a pen with a fine tip. If students are using a photocopy of a textbook, they’ll have to work with the amount of space allotted. On the other hand, if students are printing out something online, it’s helpful if they can copy and paste it into a Word document and make it double spaced. Annotations are a lot easier with larger print and spacing between each line. 2. Annotate as you read To save time and draw connections students can annotate as they read. If they are reading a novel for English class, for example, they can set aside a different color highlighter for each character so that information will be clearer when they return to study later on. They might decide to circle information regarding the plot and underline information regarding the setting. Alternatively, the teacher may have given instructions on what students are meant to do. Either way, students should have a key code they can refer to after the fact. 3. Remain consistent It’s important for students to be consistent when it comes to the organization of their annotated passages. For instance, if the character “John” was initially highlighted in yellow, he should be highlighted in yellow throughout the whole novel. If information about the setting was underlined in the first chapter, it should still be underlined in Chapter 7. Staying consistent makes it a lot easier for students to draw conclusions, identify cause and effect, and just study in general. 4. Dont over-annotate Some students highlight and underline nearly every sentence in an important passage. When students over-annotate it can become too confusing and be less helpful than if they had not annotated at all. Many students have trouble figuring out what they should and shouldnt annotate. As a general rule, students should focus on key terms that might appear on an exam, the main characters or essential plot elements in a novel, and any vocabulary words they dont yet understand. However, learning how to annotate effectively can get a lot more complicated than this so students are encouraged to consult with their classroom teacher or a one-on-one tutor to help them develop this crucial skill (READ: Five tips for success in English class). 5. Create some basic notes Once students complete the assignment or novel they are currently working on it can be easy to forget what the different annotations meant. In addition to a key code, students should take some basic notes about their strategy and information within that text that they can refer to later on. This will take an extra 10 or 15 minutes at the end of each assignment, but it can save hours on end when it comes time to study for cumulative midterms or finals later in the year. Get an A in your English classes this year with the help of private Irvine English tutoring. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. ~ Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi was Indias most famous fighter for independence from the British colonial powers. He became famous when he fought for the civil rights of Muslim and Hindu Indians in South Africa. Back in India, Gandhi became a leader of Indias independence movement, organizing boycotts against the British in peaceful forms of civil disobedience (hunger strike). He was killed by a fanatic in 1948. Even after his death, Gandhi remains a symbol of non-violence and the belief in simple living making ones own clothes, eating a vegetarian diet, and using fasts for self-purification.

Living Work At Home Jobs At Sylvan

Living Work At Home Jobs At SylvanToday, many people are finding out about the opportunities in Sylvan. So many jobs in Sylvan are available in the form of telecommuting, work at home jobs, and more. Many people now prefer to work from home due to their busy lives. However, a lot of things have changed since those jobs were available.A person who works in Sylvan will find it easy to attend school without having to change homes. Since a person who works in Sylvan has access to the internet, there are different ways to learn all that they need in order to do their jobs. One can participate in online tutoring for job training or even for school. The employer can ask for the help with a teaching qualification. In addition, all this is done within the limits of the government's rules.For more information on learning and working in Sylvan, you can consult the school. Information and services are also available in the local schools. Also, from the libraries, the information is available.So, there are many people who do not have to worry about getting their classes or work done at home. They can give themselves a break from all the usual things they had to do just to get their classes or jobs done. At the same time, they can concentrate on their studies. Another way of making use of this is that they can also focus on one of their interests.There are different kinds of companies offering tutoring and people can choose any of them. But, they have to look for a company that gives the highest quality of work and will allow them to save a lot of money compared to other companies.Nowadays, there are even tutoring companies that provide this service with a good reputation. Usually, the companies also make sure that the people who work for them will learn everything they need to know. Most of the companies also provide good after-work benefits for their employees. The companies usually pay their employees a salary at the end of the day and also offer other benefits like healt h insurance and life insurance plans.Sylvan is becoming an increasingly popular place for people to work and to learn. With the school system is improving every year, more people are willing to help out and give back to the society. Since so many people are interested in these kind of jobs, there are now more than enough opportunities in Sylvan.